
Archive for January, 2015

GreenManMediumI am reading a blog post called “Einstein and Lanza on Mysterious Perspectives of Consciousness and Love” by Lyn Marsh. I sip my green cardamom tea, savoring the moment; I glance through the glass patio doors into my garden. A retaining wall borders a hillside full of green leafy plants and grasses. A statue of a magical boy peeks through a flowering Rosemary bush with its lavender flowers. Through shards of dead, black peppermint I see a face watching me. He watches me, I observe him.

GreenManRosemaryCUIt is the face of a little green man, but he does not feel little, or small or young, but old, and wise. He has a green nose that ends in an upside down triangle that is curved rather than actually pointy. His eyes are small, round near the bridge of the nose and fan out in a slight downward curve ending in a line pointing to the ears. His furrowed, wild, white brows point in an upward triangle. They are all one, consistent flowing line.

I ponder him while he ponders me. He is a small green man, a nature spirit, a gnome, a guardian of the yard, a guardian of nature and a bridge in consciousness. He is a bridge to nature; ones own nature and the nature of life, or Nature. He is not separate from Nature and he is not separate from me.

I smile, he smiles. I burst out in song. A splash of happiness that ascends into joy passes between us; it passes through the closed sliding glass doors. I am briefly aware of how we are seemingly separated by the sliding glass doors but his thoughts and intentions and feelings reach me as though I am but an arms length away from him.

GreenManBlurThe Green Man watches me. I watch him. My eyes have soft vision. The grass and plants blur into one gigantic sea of energy. The Green Man’s thoughts and my thoughts commune and the boundaries disappear. There is only thought and energy and emotion. There is no separation, only communion and understanding if I am receptive and I am. The Green Man and I are one. I think he came because I was reading about Dr. Lanza, Einstein, consciousness and love, and that is what drew or attracted him to me. It is a moment of high mindedness.

HummingbirdI hear my husband’s deep voice. I snap back to this reality. All at once the Green Man fades into the sea of green and white plants, of here and there, of now and tomorrow. I turn back to him. I still see his eyes watching me as his features fade or merge with a collective of leaves and grasses. And I am thankful and feel hummingbird joy that he came to watch and commune with me this morning and that I was willing to be seen.

Copyright © 2014, Vlatka Herzberg, all rights reserved. You may not reproduce materials without permission from Vlatka Herzberg.
Photos © 2014 Vlatka Herzberg

Read “Einstein and Lanza on Mysterious Perspectives of Consciousness and Love” by Lyn Marsh: http://www.conversationswithanoldone.com/

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